
Thanksgiving Lobsters.

This is just a little story about stupid people. Is anyone starting to see a pattern here?

Anyway....here we go.

The Sunday before thanksgiving is usually a pretty busy day. Well this Sunday was no different. It was in 2005 and, the story goes like so. I was working this busy Sunday morning and getting excited about the Steelers game later that day. I was slicing cheese with a woman I used to work with. We'll call her muffin butt...because we used to call er that all the time. A customer walked up to the seafood counter and didn't see the Seafood Manager so the customer came over near us to ask a question, she simply said "Excuse me, can you help me with a question?" Being the responsible person I am I was more than happy to offer assistance to a customer in need, the fact that I work with a VERY SHARP, VERY FAST slicer wasn't of concern to her. Nor was it of concern to me. Who needs fingers anyway. As we are talking i heard a (chit), that is the sound your bone makes when you hit it on the moving blade of a slicer. I fell to the ground in shock and she asked if I could get her a lobster. Just kidding about the whole loss of limb thing. No one involved in my story was physically harmed during the time frame of my story. The conversation went like this.

Customer: Do you have any lobsters?
Me: Yes ma'am, they are in the tank literally under your nose.
Cust: Oh, I didn't even look there.
I could only wonder what would come next since the woman was leaning on the lobster tank she had been inquiring about.
Me: Well ma'am, they do say that you find what you are looking for in the last place you look.
The above statement has always amazed me due to the incredible amount of blatancy in that phrase.
Cust: Are those lobsters alive?
Me: Only the ones that are moving around.
Just to clarify there were 16 lobsters moving/alive and, none that were dead.
Cust: Can I have one of them? I need a live lobster for a recipe I have for Thanksgiving.
Me: The Seafood Manager is right there, she can help you from here.
Cust: Thank You.
Muffin Butt: (In a hushed voice) Wow...really...why would you think that the lobsters weren't alive?
Me: I don't know muffin butt...but, I do know that whatever that woman is cooking I don't want to eat. How can you follow a recipe when you can't even buy what you need without someone blatantly explaining the obvious to you?

I...by the way...love to explain the obvious to people.

Penned by PigpeN

Later Alligator.

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