
The all important differences of cheese.

Here I am on a Sunday morning, minding my own business, trying to complete a day without a single stupid question from a paying customer. I know. I know, it will never happen. Well yesterday I was able to go a whole 1 1/2 hrs without a stupid question. Just happens to be that I was only able to go 1 1/2 hrs without seeing a customer. A gentleman walks up to the deli counter and asks where the meat ends are. All I can say is they are in the lunch meat end section over that way. (for visual affect look about 20 ft to your left and bingo you found them...I know they aren't really 20 ft away from you right now but, you get the idea) After a few minutes of minding my own business, again the same gentleman comes up with a package of meat ends in his hand and, asks the same question all over. Turns out he was looking for ends of the cheese variety. I guess there is no difference between the word "meat" and "cheese", at least not in his mind. Just goes to show you that people don't think. I also saw a person yesterday wearing blue jeans and Santa shorts over his blue jeans. I say Santa shorts because of the white cotton frill around the bottom of the shorts. Really, this is how you dress when you go out to the grocery store? WTF?

News Flash:
There is nothing more annoying than having a customer come into your place of work and tell you things you have known for years. I.e. I don't go to a car dealership and tell the salesman that a specific car only gets 22 miles/gallon. So why do people insist on telling me about mostly commonly known knowledge in regards to meats and cheeses? For example...

American cheese is not really cheese because it is not aged. Nor is Longhorn/Colby.

Here comes another true to life tale...
Customer: Can I have a pound of Naturally Slender American?
Me: Sure, how would you like that sliced?
Cust: For bread.
Me: Okay. (Slicing, slicing, slicing). Here you are ma'am. What else can I get for you?
Cust: Is this the Naturally Slender American?
Me: That is what you asked for, right?
Cust: Yes but, it looks like the other american.
Me: Well ma'am, almost all american cheese looks like that. Is there a problem?
Cust: Isn't Naturally Slender more slender?
Me: I'm sorry?
Cust: I thought naturally slender meant it was more slender, like a square the size of cocktail bread.
Me: I'm sorry?
Cust: I wanted to serve this with cocktail bread but, it's too large.
Me: Well ma'am, you could cut it into quarters then it would fit on cocktail bread. However Naturally Slender refers to the fat content not, the size of the cheese.
Cust: Oh...okay. Thank you anyway. Have a nice day.
Me: Good luck with your cheese experiment.

I need to note here that for a brief second I was speechless which, very rarely happens to me. I sometimes think that people should wear helmets when in public and, not lick the glass doors when they enter stores. This was one of those people. I have obviously had some interesting encounters with people over the years. This encounter definitely "takes the cake".

Later Alligators!!!

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